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Friday, August 25, 2023

your business card with writing

 I visit a ton of clients and prospects each month, and like other salespeople, some of them decide to buy while others do not. However, every single one of them gets my business card. In my quest for new contacts and ultimately new business, I attend business breakfasts, seminars, and other networking events. Every individual I meet also receives a business card.

A few years ago, I suddenly realized that in addition to giving out a ton of cards, I also receive a sizable amount of them. I made the decision to revisit some of the earlier ones to see if I might uncover any fresh opportunities. I discovered as I began to sort through them that the majority of people's cards are truly meaningless when taken alone. You might as well be putting your phone number and nameless on a piece of paper if you don't work for one of the rare companies whose name genuinely describes what you do.

ABC Company Mr. Bob Jones General Manager Contact Information Phone Mobile Fax Email Website

I have no idea what the businesses do unless I go online and browse every webpage!

In the same way, everyone I had been carefully delivering my business card to had every method of getting in touch with me written down there in plain and white, but they had no idea what I did! As a salesperson, it is my responsibility to provide a professional image, ensure that I am constantly reachable, and remember as much as I can about each of my prospects (perhaps with a little assistance from my CRM). Since my prospects are also everyone else's prospects and do not have to keep my name in mind, they could use a little assistance.

I came to understand how easy the fix is. PERSONALLIZE YOUR BUSINESS CARDS!!

The prospect returns to the office one day to learn that they need a new supplier for widgets and that it is his responsibility to locate one. He can only vaguely recall a couple of the suppliers he spoke with at the seminar, so he hurriedly scans the cards he had gathered. Finally, he comes across a card with the heading "Widgets, budget to high end," but he cannot immediately place the name or the face that goes with it. 

Who receives an invitation to a meeting?

In meetings, I'm one of those persons who carefully guards my business cards. I dislike useless business card relationships (swapping cards without a reason). If someone introduces themselves by saying, "Hello, my name is.... Please accept my business card in exchange for yours. I have a sneaking sense that I'll end up on someone's junk mail list. You've discovered a cause to continue the relationship beyond the event where you met, which is a very crucial networking goal you've achieved by first striking a chord.

Not every prospect you speak with will fulfill the description of your ideal customer (or center of influence). Since I have a very specific specialization, this is especially true for me. Concentrate your efforts on people who fit your criteria. Notes about the basis of the strong connection should be written on the reverse of the card so that you have a topic of discussion for your next encounter or correspondence. After the meeting, send the information you promised as soon as possible.

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