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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Use Mind Maps to Improve Your Studying

When you are in class or reading your textbooks, if you are a university or college student, you undoubtedly take a lot of notes. The notes you took while studying for tests are then reviewed later.

You could have questioned whether there is a proper or improper manner to take notes. Does one note-taking approach perform better than another?

Given how different each person's brain is, there probably isn't a single approach that works best for everyone in every circumstance.

The primary issue with traditional note-taking is that it is a relatively passive procedure. The brain is not heavily engaged in processing information by just taking notes. You'll recall new information better if you can stimulate your brain to organize it more actively.

A lot of graphs, illustrations, and even cartoons in your notes will help you if you learn best visually. You will do better if you tape-record all the notes you need to recall if your visual and auditory processing abilities are both very strong.

The method for taking notes that follows is very useful for those who are very visual. Making a learning map or mind-mapping are other terms used to describe this way of taking notes.

The majority of people who utilize mind mapping discover that they can retain and remember much more knowledge with a lot less effort, even though it does take some practice.

The learning-map technique, commonly referred to as memory-mapping or mind-mapping, has a very straightforward core. A blank sheet of paper is required; the larger the better. You'll require at least one pen, and possibly more if you wish to use several different hues.

It is crucial to keep your writing somewhat tiny because you will be attempting to fill the entire page with your notes. With more experience, you should be able to determine what size of writing will be most effective.

Determine what you believe to be the main idea as you read the article or listen to the lecturer. You might be attending a lecture, for instance, and notice that the main focus seems to be "Conditions in Europe on the Eve of World War 2."

Or perhaps you're attending a presentation with the main focus of "Plant Winter Survival Techniques"

Write the words in the center of the page after determining the main theme, and then draw a circle around it. Just jot down enough of the crucial words to help you remember them. Don't try to construct a sentence or a paragraph.

Keep reading or listening while keeping an eye out for the first primary sub-theme.

Select a space on the paper where you want to write down a few key words that best describe the first main sub-theme. The sub-theme words should be circled, and a line should be drawn connecting the sub-theme circle to the main theme circle.

Make a circle around a few key words that best describe each new significant sub-theme you come across and jot them down. Then, connect the sub-theme circle to the main concept circle in the page's center by drawing a line. You'll eventually have a central circle with a number of spokes emanating from it.

They don't have to be straight, and the lines or spokes can be whatever length necessary. You don't have to use circles; instead, you can use squares, triangles, or oval-shaped squiggles. To assist you better organize the concepts, you can utilize various colors.

You will discover that while the speaker or writer continues to offer his ideas, some of them serve as additional supporting facts to one of the sub-themes you have previously discovered. Here, you will briefly describe these sub-sub-themes, enclose them in a circle or squiggle, and connect them to the sub-theme with a line.

Eventually, as the author or lecturer continues to explain his ideas, your sub-theme circles can have several spokes emanating from them. You will be able to quickly identify the main points of the discussion and the underlying arrangement of the thoughts.

Write down any additional thoughts you may have as you read the material or pay attention to the lecture. This demonstrates that your brain is engaging with the information.

Making a mind map or learning map of all your notes results in a highly visual document that is considerably different from the conventional ways of taking notes in class.

Learning maps' ability to clearly depict the connections between main themes, sub-themes, and facts and ideas supporting each theme will be very helpful to people who learn very well visually.

See if this approach is the ideal note-taking strategy for you by giving it a try!

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